Issue 98
Letter from the Chair
Hello Quilters,
Welcome back to our existing members and welcome to our newest member Jennie Barwise.
Thank you to everyone who attended the AGM it was a big success, a few hiccups on the evening where I forgot what I was meant to say, I blame the menopause!
I was nervous but everyone was so helpful and supportive, so thank you.
A couple of updates following the AGM. The members voted unanimously to revamp the library. There will be an ongoing review of books and new books will be regularly added to the library. If you have suggestions of books to be included please advise Linda Cosgrove.
The new Constitution was ratified and a copy will be available on the website
It was announced at the AGM that Rebekah Cornford would not be standing for re-election due to family commitments. We are therefore looking for a new Membership Secretary. This role is vitally important, as it is often the first point of contact for new members. An ability to use spreadsheets and a willingness to engage via email at renewal time is essential. There are other lighter communication duties throughout the year, sending cards etc, but these are minimal. The majority of the work will be in the Spring. If you feel you have the right skills and would like to take up the reins, please contact me.
For the past year I have been acting as Programme Secretary. I am happy to continue to book speakers, however, it would be ideal if an experienced quilter could step into this role.
If you are active in the quilting community, always going to the latest exhibitions, engaging with new quilters online, then this role is for you. If you have ideas for new and exciting quilters who you would love to see in person or via Zoom, then let me know.
Workshops have, historically been poorly attended however, we hope to have Saturday workshops and Social Sewing Saturdays throughout the year. We hope this will allow members who work full time to take part.
Finally, I’d like to thank you all for voting for me as Chair. As you all know, I’m passionate about quilting and my aim this year is to infect you all with my enthusiasm for quilts. I have lots of ideas and I hope you will all join in. Quilt College will continue in May with a demonstration of prairie points and their various uses in quits. The good news is they eat up scraps by the bucket load. J
Summer Party
Full members are invited to join us for a summer party on June 21st. Full details to follow.
Sales Table Summer Grand Bazaar
We will be opening up the shop for a Grand Bazaar sale on Saturday July 30th at the WI premises in Wheathampstead.
Details are being finalised but save the date. We will need volunteers to help on the day and of course, tell your quilty friends to come along for the one day the shop will be open to the public.
Annual Challenge
The current challenge “Platinum Jubilee”. A 12” x 14” mini quilt, will be judged at the Summer Party in June.
The challenge for 2022/23 was announced at the AGM. The title is “Travellers Joy”. Interpret that as you wish but the quilt must not exceed 1metre on any side. This will be judged at the 2023 AGM.
Programme for 2022/23
This available to view now on the website.
Membership cards will be mailed out next week. This will enable you to print it off at home or download it to your computer or phone. A hard copy will be sent out to those who don’t have email.
Mary Mayne Workshop
Mary will join us for an afternoon of stitching “It’s not just an envelope”
Wednesday June 1st. 1pm -3.30pm The Quaker Meeting Rooms in Welwyn Garden City. The cost is £21.00. Payment details are as follows:
Account Name : Mead Quilters
Bank: HSBC
Sort Code 40-23-11
Account 912 241 0
Please email me to secure a place at
If you do not have an online bank account please see one of the committee members for alternative ways to pay.
Opening out Workshop vacancies
Mimram and Icknield Quilters are running a joint venture of a talk and workshop by Sandie Lush next month. Sandie is coming across from Wales to talk about “Baltimore Quilts” at the IQ meeting hall in Baldock Community Centre. SG7 6DH on Monday 9th May at 7.30pm
She is then doing a workshop the following day at John Clements Centre, Bury Lane, Codicote, SG4 8XY. 10.00am to 4pm. It is titled “North Country Quilts” and will be a hand quilted cushion using a provided pattern or design of your own.
Cost for non-members is £40.00.
Anyone interested in taking advantage of seeing this prestigious quilter, please contact me (Deborah, Bookings Secretary) directly or via the Contacts on the Mimram website.
PAT Testing
Irene’s Husband will be available for your machines, irons etc to be PAT tested on Tuesday morning 3rd May.
Living Crafts
Living Crafts will take place from May 5th – 8th. We are still looking for some additional volunteers for the Mead stall Friday 6th May 9.30- 1.00 and Saturday 7th May 9.30-1.00 . You will have FREE entry to all the other exhibits!
Please speak to Carol Wort or Linda Cosgrove if you can help.
Upcoming Meetings;
May 17th: Susan Dye-plant dyes. We also have the option to book a Sunday afternoon tour of the dye garden in Hitchin. Please email me if you are interested.
Our New Website
Our new website is up and running. A very big thank you to Sarah Dixon who has worked so hard to finish it.
Go have a look.
Our green table runner challenge was eventually judged at the AGM.
1st prize was won by Hilda Goddard

2nd prize was won by Pat Driscoll

3rd place was won by Linda Noon

Well done ladies!
They were all beautiful and it was hard choose between them.
Sorry Pat. My photo doesn’t show your rosette.