Mead Quilters are a friendly, welcoming group who meet twice a month in the WI, Mead Hall in Wheathampstead.
On the first Tuesday of each month we meet at 9.30 am for a sewing morning, to work on our own projects or group challenges.
On the 3rd Tuesday of the month we meet at 7.30 pm for talks by speakers or other events.
Our members range from absolute beginners to those with a lot of skill and experience and we enjoy helping and inspiring each other. We would love you to join us.
Mead Quilters are affiliated to the Quilter’s Guild, Region 7.
To find out what we have been doing recently, read our News page here.
To see what our members have brought to ‘show and tell’ at meetings,
look in our Gallery here.
To find out what we plan to do in the future, look at our Programme page here.
For all our news, read our at our Newsletters here.
If you wish to join us, please email
Our next meetings are:-
Saturday 14th September: 1.00 – 4.00 pm. Saturday Sewing Day
Bring your own sewing.
We will also be starting our Christmas tree decoration project. This is to take part in the Christmas tree Festival at St Francis of Assisi Church at Welwyn.
Tuesday 17th September: 7.30 pm. Quilters’ Guild Contemporary Suitcase Collection
We have booked this collection from the Quilters’ Guild and their representative Sarah Rayfield is going to come along and describe the contents for us.
Tuesday 1st October: 9.30 am. Morning sewing meeting
Bring your own sewing.
There will also be a demonstration of machine sewing of inset circles and curves by Sarah Hibbert. If you would like to have a go you will need to bring pieces of fabric 6″ – 8″ square or larger and your sewing kit including a small pair of sharp fabric scissors. Sarah will provide scraps and glue and we will have a few sewing machines available for you to use.